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The CRNA's Regulatory Spectrum

Aug. 20, 2024

The Regulatory Spectrum represents the CRNA’s philosophy of balance between our legislated regulatory mandate with compassion and proportionality. Our Right-touch relational thinking increases the focus on contributing factors and situational context resulting in increased decision discretion without an over emphasis on rules and punitive responses. Seeking to understand the greater context of a situation allows for appropriate regulatory intervention that supports a consistent approach to regulating nurses and providing Albertans with nursing professionals who have achieved the necessary benchmarks for the provision of safe, competent and ethical care.

In summary, the CRNA's approach to regulation recognizes the need to balance rules and the "letter of the law" with transparent, proportionate and reasonable decisions that are intended to support Alberta’s health care ecosystem. 

The CRNA Regulatory Spectrum

The Regulatory Spectrum guides how the CRNA thinks, makes decisions and informs how the College operates in all areas, including registration, standards development, and complaints management.



On the far left of the spectrum is compliance. Compliance is focused on statutes and rules and is non-discretionary in how it is applied. Matters where outcomes and sanctions are prescribed by legislation, such as allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct, are handled at this end of the spectrum.

Right-touch Regulation

In the middle of the spectrum is Right-touch regulation. Right-touch regulation is an approach to regulatory decision making that ensures that the CRNA is proportionate, targeted, accountable, consistent, transparent and agile in our approach. Right-touch regulation emphasizes using only as much regulation as is necessary to achieve a desired outcome.

Right-touch Relational Regulation

On the far right of the spectrum is Right-touch relational regulation. Right-touch relational regulation builds on the foundation of Right-touch regulation to allow for greater discretion in how low risk decisions are made. It also emphasizes the value of communication and relationship building with registrants, the public and the health care ecosystem.

What Does This Mean for Regulation?

Implementing the Regulatory Spectrum means low-risk matters are handled in an efficient and expedient manner with a focus on education and improving processes, while high-risk matters are managed using more prescriptive processes. Incorporating Right-touch relational regulation means that the CRNA has more options for regulation and can provide better service to both the public and registrants.

The CRNA continues to make improvements and adjust processes as needed to best fulfill our mandate. Albertans can trust that the CRNA is committed to ensuring safe, competent and ethical care from its registrants.