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GP 21 - Council and Committees Selection Policy

Policy Number: GP 21 Effective Date: December 2024
Last Review Date: November 2020 Next Review Date: December 2027
Review Frequency: Triennial Related Supporting Documents:
  1. Source of Authority

    The Council and Committees Selection Policy is established under Bylaw 3.

  2. Establishment

    The authority delegated from Council via Bylaw 3.

  3. Duties and Responsibilities

    3.1. The Nominating Committee will update the Competencies and Attributes Profiles for Council (Appendix 1) and regulatory committees (Appendix 2) regularly or as needed. This will identify the sought-after competencies and attributes for the coming selection year.

    3.2. Incumbent members who are eligible and seek reappointment will follow the same process as new candidates.

    3.3. The Nominating Committee will identify those applicants they deem as qualified applicants.

    3.4. The Nominating Committee may retain the services of an external search firm to assist with recruitment.

    3.5. The Nominating Committee will provide to Council

    3.5.1. Its identification of applicants it deems to be qualified and why;

    3.5.2. Its recommendations for appointment or reappointment; and

    3.5.3. Short bios of each applicant.

    3.6. After the appointment process is completed, the Nominating Committee will update the Council and Regulatory Committee Competencies & Attributes Profiles to reflect the new composition of Council and the committees.

    3.7. Council specific process

    3.7.1. The Council Competencies and Attributes Profile will be provided to registrants expressing interest in appointment to Council. The Nominating Committee will review all applications and vet applicant competencies and attributes against the approved Council Competencies and Attributes Profile. This vetting process may include resumes, reference checking and/or interviews, to satisfy the committee.

    3.7.2. The updated Council Competencies and Attributes Profile will be communicated to the Government of Alberta, which is encouraged to use this in selecting the government appointed public members of Council each year.

    3.7.3. The Nominating Committee will review the qualifications of interested candidates against the Council Chair Competencies & Attributes Profile, and recommend qualified candidates to Council. Council will approve the process for selecting the Council Chair.

    3.7.4. A member of the Nominating Committee who puts their name forward for consideration for the position of Council Chair shall declare a conflict of interest and recuse themselves from all Nominating Committee discussions and deliberations concerning the review and recommendation of qualified candidates.

    3.8. Regulatory Committee specific process

    3.8.1. The Regulatory Committee Competencies and Attributes Profile will be widely distributed among registrants and members of the public, seeking qualified applications.

    3.8.2. Council will appoint the Chair of each Regulatory Committee from among its number except where legislation states otherwise. The Nominating Committee will review the full composition of each Committee and the qualifications of interested candidates against the Chair Competencies & Attributes Profile, and recommend qualified candidates to Council. Council will follow an accepted process for selecting the Chair, such as secret ballot voting.

Appendix 1 – Council Competencies and Attributes Profile

This is updated on a regular basis or as needed by the Nominating Committee, when priority gaps will be identified, based on the difference between the desired future state composition and the current state. This will then be used to inform recruitment, qualifications and selection. In some cases, skills can be learned after joining Council and committees, so discretion may be exercised in the case of candidates committed to building skills in gap areas in the first year of their service.

Council Member Attributes

Council members are expected to govern in the public interest. Every Council member should possess the following ATTRIBUTES to support fulfilling of their fiduciary duties:

  • Accountability, Honesty and Integrity. Act with integrity and speak the truth, be able and willing to take full responsibility for decisions, and follow through on commitments.
  • Adaptability. At times, plans will adjust to meet changing circumstances and needs.
  • Council/Committee Leadership. Experience in facilitating Council, board and/or committee meetings (which may including chairing), developing a positive culture, conflict resolution and fostering effective decision making. Demonstrate skills and ability to lead others to solve problems, adapt and manage change, innovate, and achieve results. Able to encourage divergent thinking and dissent from others, and to build consensus.
  • Diplomacy. Have strong interpersonal communication skills that include the ability to clearly articulate a perspective and engage in respectful, productive and sometimes courageous or difficult discussions with Council, staff and partners, while consistently reinforcing a culture of trust and respect.
  • Human Resources Experience. Experience with human resources management, for example, performance management, talent management, succession, professional development, compensation, evaluation, leadership selection, and education.
  • Independence and Collaboration. Think independently, while knowing when and how to consult others through meaningful engagement and dialogue. Demonstrate respect by realizing the value of all people and things by showing courteous consideration and appreciation.
  • Objectivity. Self-reflect and make decisions based on evidence and information, to best fulfil the public mandate.
  • Self-Awareness. Have a clear understanding of personal strengths, areas of development and potential biases, remaining open to reflection, feedback, continuous growth and improvement.

Council Member Competencies

Council members should have the following competencies to govern in the public interest.

Regulatory Oversight

The College register contains only registrants that provide safe, competent and ethical care.

  • Health Professions Regulation. Understand the role and philosophy of health profession regulators; the public protection mandate of the College; the applicable legislation, regulations, bylaws and policies; and the core work of the College and its committees. Be aware of the complex system in which the College works, including the collaborators within that system, and the impact that College decisions have on this greater community.
  • Health System. Knowledge, experience or understanding of Alberta's health system and regulatory issues.
  • Regulatory System. Knowledge and experience of professional regulation, including the CRNA's regulatory mandate.

Strategic Oversight

The College achieves its strategic direction within its regulatory mandate.

  • Strategic Direction. Demonstrates the ability to provide strategic direction and experience participating in, or leading, an organization in planning for its future.
  • Quality Improvement. Experience and understanding of the quality assurance and quality improvement and the need for an organization to grow and transform, while balancing day-to-day activities.

Risk Oversight

The College has a culture of proactive and deliberate risk management.

  • Risk Oversight. Experience with overseeing risks and setting direction (govern) proportional to the risk of harm to the public and to the CRNA.

Governance/Operational Oversight

The Council governs the College activities within public interest and within applicable legislation.

  • Governance Experience. Have a strong familiarity and understanding of governance roles and responsibilities, issues and trends gained through prior board experience, and/or governance education.
  • Public Interest and Service. Demonstrate understanding and appreciation of, and commitment to, the CRNA's public protection mandate and the ability to execute the role diligently. Have compassion for the public and their right to safe, ethical care, recognizing that the public interest will always be prioritized over personal or professional interests.

Financial Oversight

The College maintains its financial viability through strategic resource allocation. The College is committed to pension viability and compliance with pension legislation.

  • Financial Understanding and Oversight. The ability to read and interpret financial statements, oversee budgeting and financial planning, ensure compliance and internal controls, and be able to understand and communicate financial information effectively.

Culture Oversight

The Council maintains responsible and healthy relationships externally and internally.

  • Diversity and Inclusion. A variety of cultural and historical backgrounds and experiences that reflect the community the College serves and the cultural context within health care. Demonstrated ability to welcome, understand and work effectively with those who are diverse in their thoughts, values and backgrounds.
  • Cultural Safety and Humility. Have an ongoing learning, appreciation and respect for unique perspectives, cultural contexts, power imbalances and biases in deliberation and decision making, and recognition of the role the College plays in fostering cultural safety within the health system.

Governance Committee Competencies

  • Finance & Audit Committee. Financial expertise in financial management and budgeting. Ability to demonstrate fiscal responsibility and decision making for the welfare of an organization. Demonstrated ability to review and take action as needed for strategic resource allocation to maintain the organizations financial viability.
  • Leadership Review & Governance Committee. Experience with human resources management, including but not limited to performance management, talent management, succession planning, professional development, compensation, continuous improvement. 
  • Nominating Committee. Expertise in leadership recruitment/selection, such as job descriptions, competencies and attributes profiling, candidate searches, validating qualities, interviews, engagement, communications and selection.

Appendix 2 – Regulatory Committee Competencies and Attributes Profile

This is updated on a regular basis or as needed by the Nominating Committee, priority gaps will be identified, based on the difference between the desired future state composition and the current state. This will then be used to inform nominations, recruitment, qualification and selection.

Regulatory Committee Member Attributes

Committee members are expected to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in the public interest. Every committee member should possess the following ATTRIBUTES to support fulfilling of their duties:

  • Accountability, Honesty and Integrity. Act with integrity and speak the truth, be able and willing to take full responsibility for decisions, and follow through on commitments.
  • Adaptability. At times, plans will adjust to meet changing circumstances and needs.
  • Confidentiality. Understand the need for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of registrants' quality assurance data, as legislated under the Act.
  • Diplomacy. Have strong interpersonal communication skills that include the ability to clearly articulate a perspective and engage in respectful, productive and sometimes courageous or difficult discussions with committee, staff and partners, while consistently reinforcing a culture of trust and respect.
  • Independence and collaboration. Ability to think independently, while knowing when and how to consult others through meaningful engagement and dialogue. Demonstrate respect by realizing the value of all people and things and by showing courteous consideration and appreciation.
  • Objectivity. Self-reflect and make decisions based on evidence and information, to best fulfil the public mandate.
  • Self-Awareness. Have a clear understanding of personal strengths, areas of development and potential biases, remaining open to reflection, feedback, continuous growth and improvement.

Regulatory Committee Competencies 

Committee members are expected to fulfill their roles and responsibilities in the public interest. Every committee should possess the following COMPETENCIES to support fulfilling of their duties:

Professional Experience

  • Health Care Terminology. Know and understand the common terminology, acronyms and phrases used in health care.
  • Health Professions Regulation. Understand the role and philosophy of health profession regulators; the public protection mandate of the College; the applicable legislation, regulations, bylaws and policies; and the core work of the College and its committees.
  • Information Analysis and Judgement. Carefully review all material within set timelines, assess implications, identify patterns, make connections and narrow the issues to support good decision making.
  • Professional Standards and Professional Ethics. Knowledge and experience of the standards of practice and code of ethics.

Diverse Experiences, Backgrounds and Perspectives

  • Diversity and Inclusion. A variety of cultural and historical backgrounds and experiences that reflect the community the College serves and the cultural context within health care. Demonstrated ability to welcome, understand and work effectively with those who are diverse in their thoughts, values and backgrounds. 
  • Cultural Safety and Humility. Have an ongoing learning, appreciation and respect for unique perspectives, cultural contexts, power imbalances and biases in deliberation and decision making, and recognition of the role the College plays in fostering cultural safety within the health system.
  • Sector Diversity. Diverse leadership experience in the public, private, health care and not-for-profit sectors to promote knowledge and the sharing of best practices. 
  • Gender Diversity. A variety of perspectives to support decisions that are balanced, relevant and reflective of the public.


  • Committee/Panel Leadership. Experience in facilitating committee or panel meetings, developing a positive culture, conflict resolution and fostering effective decision making. 
  • Principles. Ability to learn and or understand the basic principles of administrative law, restorative justice, and quasi-judicial processes within the College’s mandate and power.